Microstructure evolution in nano-metallic materials

Nano-metallic materials—such as nanocrystalline polycrystals, nanolaminates, or nano-porous solids—have superior properties compared to their bulk counterparts. Moreover, their behavior may be tailored for specific needs by controlling microstructure and internal morphology. We are designing new nano-metallic materials by engineering local porosity, interface curvature, and grain boundary networks via a design process that integrates theory, modeling, and experiments.

Sponsors :

  • NSF DMREF program

Selected publications :

M. Seita, M. Volpi, S. Patala, I. McCue, C. A. Schuh, M. V. Diamanti, J. Erlebacher and M. J. Demkowicz, “A high-throughput technique for determining grain boundary character non-destructively in microstructures with through-thickness grains,” npj Computational Materials 2, 16016 (2016) http://www.nature.com/articles/npjcompumats201616

N. Li, M. Demkowicz, N. Mara, Y. Wang and A. Misra, “Hardening due to Interfacial He Bubbles in Nanolayered Composites,” Materials Research Letters 4, 75 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21663831.2015.1110730#.V3VsRkDh4a0

G. Xu and M. J. Demkowicz, “Crack healing in nanocrystalline palladium,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, In press (2016) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352431616300761

W. Z. Han, N. A. Mara, Y. Q. Wang, A. Misra and M. J. Demkowicz, “He implantation of bulk Cu–Nb nanocomposites fabricated by accumulated roll bonding,” Journal of Nuclear Materials 452, 57 (2014) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311514002499

L. Zhang and M. J. Demkowicz, “Morphological stability of Cu-Nb nanocomposites under high-energy collision cascades,” Applied physics letters 103, 061604 (2013) http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/103/6/10.1063/1.4817785

People :

Matteo Seita
Guoqiang Xu
Ian McCue
Kumar Ankit
Tung Yan Liu
Ta Duong
Haiying Yang