Materials design through interface engineering

Although they are sometimes viewed as no more than dividing surfaces between neighboring constituents, solid-state interfaces in fact have distinct physical properties of their own. We are using the properties of interfaces to design new materials with radically enhanced performance under extreme irradiation and mechanical loading.

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Sponsors :

  • Center for Materials at Irradiation and Mechanical Extremes (CMIME), a DOE-supported Energy Frontier Research Center (CMIME)
  • LANL Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program
  • NSF CAREER program
  • NSF DMREF program

Selected publications :

A. J. Vattré and M. J. Demkowicz, “Determining the Burgers vectors and elastic strain energies of interface dislocation arrays using anisotropic elasticity theory,” Acta Materialia 61, 5172 (2013)

L. Zhang and M. J. Demkowicz, “Morphological stability of Cu-Nb nanocomposites under high-energy collision cascades,” Applied Physics Letters 103, 061604 (2013)

W. Z. Han, M. J. Demkowicz, N. A. Mara, E. G. Fu, S. Sinha, A. D. Rollett, Y. Q. Wang, J. S. Carpenter, I. J. Beyerlein, A. Misra, “Design of Radiation Tolerant Materials via Interface Engineering,” Advanced Materials accepted (2013) vol. 25, pg. 6975

K. Kolluri and M. J. Demkowicz, “Formation, migration, and clustering of delocalized vacancies and interstitials at a solid-state semicoherent interface,” Physical Review B 85, 205416 (2012)

S. A. Skirlo and M. J. Demkowicz, “Viscoelasticity of stepped interfaces,” Applied Physics Letters 103, 171908 (2013)

A. Vattré, T. Jourdan, H. Ding, M.-C. Marinica, and M. J. Demkowicz, “Non-random walk diffusion enhances the sink strength of semicoherent interfaces,” Nature Communications 7, 10424 (2016)

A. Vattré, N. Abdolrahim, K. Kolluri, and M. J. Demkowicz, “Computational design of patterned interfaces using reduced order models,” Scientific Reports 4, 6231 (2014)

People :

Niaz Abdolrahim
Andrei Klishin
Kedarnath Kolluri
Tongsik Lee
Scott Skirlo
Aurélien Vattré
Guoqiang Xu
Wenshan Yu
Liang Zhang
Ali Sangghaleh
Ian Chesser